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HOME . OUR PROGRAMS . The 3rd Element Circle

The 3rd Element Circle

The Circle is our weekly open conversation session for registered members in our community hosted by a therapist at the 3rd Element Center.

The Circle is the most anticipated and interactive weekly meeting where we open our platform for adolescents of all experiences to find a safe haven to make presentations, express their emotions, tell stories, and talk about their therapeutic photographs to The Circle.

Opening the Stage for Each Person

Members use The Circle to tell their stories openly. Lessons are learned and journeys are shared, while conversations are non-judgmental and open-hearted. Members spread love and confidence along with deeper connections around mental health recovery.

The Circle Agenda

The community meeting is organized using a standard agenda.

  • Community members pre-register to speak and make presentations and to share stories behind their submissions.
  • All attending members get to introduce themselves and interact warmly.
  • The introduction leads to free-spirited presentations by contributing members.
  • Our counselor hosting the members at The Circle listens quietly, and uses the setting as a platform to provide valuable insights and contributions to help both each presenter and other members find clarity to issues raised.

The Circle is a family meeting away from family. Parents and guardians trust The 3rd Element for building a safe community where their adolescents connect to talk about things and grow. Members talk about emotions bottled up and captured in their submitted photographs and stories, while they are guided by counselors as they share their journeys to self-discovery and wellness.

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